So as many of you know I started a garden this year. It has become a real passion of mine.
May long weekend Naomi and Craig came up to help me build a fence and gate to keep the dogs out. It was a huge help! It's way bigger than I originally envisoned but I love it more than I ever knew I could and I am soooo happy it's not any smaller!!!
It's hard to picture, but this back yard for the last however many years has been full, and I mean FULL (see pictures from last summer below) of a purple flowering plant about 2 to 3 feet high. I had a hard time ripping them all out as I knew it meant I was committing to the garden. I had no idea how much I would love to garden.
We cleared it all out, saving many flowers to go to their new home at my moms.
All cleared out and ready for garden beds!
The side piece where the potato tires fit perfectly.
The back fence was put up to keep out the dogs and it looks good too.
Building the step and gate into the garden was quite a feat!